Morning Ag Markets – Matt Hines
Date: July 18th, 2022 Livestock futures backed off to end last week but still finished higher week over week. Negotiated cash fed cattle trade in the South mostly steady compared to the week previous at $137 live. North live trade steady to lower at $144 to $145 while dressed trade done mostly at $230 which is $2 lower than the week previous. Feeders will be the ones to watch this week as we have shifted prices higher into a new trading range. Lean hogs remain range bound and without higher cash trade this week, so will live cattle. For the week, Friday July 8th through Friday July 15th, August Live Cattle +$.97, October +$.60, August Feeder Cattle +$4.62, September +$4.95, July Lean Hogs +$2.05, August…