Morning Ag Markets – Matt Hines

Date: June 29th, 2022 A complete flip in the Ag markets on Tuesday with grains higher and livestock futures lower. There’s been a lot of pressure recently on the grains, so to see a little bounce yesterday was not that unexpected. The updated weather forecasts yesterday still calling for some scattered rains over this week mostly in the western and northern Corn Belt. The extended forecasts also got a little hotter and moving some moisture further north, still clipping the Corn Belt though. Feeders led the way lower for cattle as they continue to bounce back and forth at the mercy of the grains. Cash fed cattle trade still yet to develop sizeable volume with some light $144 live trade in the North yesterday. Hogs…

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Morning Ag Markets – Matt Hines

Date: June 27th, 2022 Livestock futures finished out last week on a higher note but steady to lower week over week. Even with the sharply lower grains, feeders could only hold their ground, still very choppy trading as fats were pressured lower. Negotiated cash fed cattle trade steady to lower in the South at $137 to $138 live but mostly higher in the North at $145 to $150 live and $234 to $238 dressed. A slightly friendly Cattle on Feed report after the close on Friday…On Feed right in line with expectations at 1% above a year ago, but another record on feed number for the month of June at 11.846 million head. Bullish Placements, 1.869 million, 2% below a year ago and under the…

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Morning Ag Markets – Matt Hines

Date: June 22nd, 2022 Feeders benefiting from the sharply lower grains yesterday with $2+ gains as live cattle futures hung around steady all day trading both sides of unchanged. Lean hogs continue to rally as cash was over $4 higher yesterday. Cash fed cattle trade starting this week, reported after the close, at steady to higher with KS at $139, TX at $138 and NE $145 live and $238 dressed. A recap of last week’s trade shows the weighted average a full $4 higher than the week previous on a total of 107,080 head of which 73% were committed for nearby delivery. We have some solid footing now heading through summer and possibly the end of the year in which I would have to call…

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Morning Ag Markets – Matt Hines

Date: June 21st, 2022 Livestock futures finished last week on a higher note with lean hogs able to make gains 4 out of the last 5 trading days and hit new recent highs. Live cattle continue to lead the way higher as slaughter rates remain high, fed cattle supply is current and beef demand is strong. Negotiated cash fed cattle trade last week $2 to $7 higher than the week previous. Live trade in the South ranging from $136 to $140 and in the North from $140 to a few up at $150 with dressed trade from $230 to $232 and a few up to $235. For the week, Friday June 10th through Friday June 17th, June Live Cattle +$1.82, August +$.37, August Feeder Cattle…

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Morning Ag Markets – Matt Hines

Date: June 17th, 2022 A mixed day for livestock futures as cattle were mostly lower and lean hogs trending higher this week. Feeders didn’t have a chance from the opening bell with a flat and low volume live cattle trading, equities sharply lower and grains sharply higher. Negotiated cash fed cattle trade most active Tuesday and Wednesday this week at $2 to $7 higher than a week ago. Live trade in the South ranging from $136 to $140 this week and in the North from $140 to a few up at $150 with dressed trade from $230 to $232 and a few up to $235. Premiums still prevalent in the North as we remain very current with supply. Winter Livestock - Pratt, KS Livestock Weighted…

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Morning Ag Markets – Matt Hines

Date: June 16th, 2022 Almost an entirely green screen for livestock futures yesterday with Live Cattle leading the way. Through yesterday afternoon the USDA confirmed 71,307 head of negotiated cash and 16,464 head of negotiated grid cattle selling nationwide in a range of $136-$149 live and $2.23-$2.36 dressed. Rallying futures and cash thanks to current showlists and strong demand. Feeders were a follower higher yesterday, and still have quite of bit of room to make up, the past couple weeks has been choppy but trending higher. There’s also been quite bit of chatter about death loss this week here in KS feedlots with some reporting up to 10,000 head dropping due to heat stress. June Live Cattle +235 @ 137.55, August +272 @ 136.80 August…

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Morning Ag Markets – Matt Hines

Date: June 13th, 2022 Cattle futures finished the week lower while lean hogs rebounded some but still finished the week lower. Negotiated cash fed cattle trade was $2 to $3 higher at $137 live in the South and $142 to $143 live in North with dressed trade mostly at $225 to $226. USDA updated the meats balance sheet on Friday morning. Beef production for 2022 increased by 65 mln lbs as well as exports as imports were reduced by 30 mln lbs. Pork production increased by 180 mln lbs but exports down 60 mln while imports increased by 35 mln lbs. Total poultry production decreased by 111 mln lbs but exports increased by 30 mln. For the week, Friday June 3rd through Friday June 10th,…

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Morning Ag Markets – Matt Hines

Date: June 8th, 2022 Smaller show lists and rising boxed beef prices failed to impress live cattle futures on Monday. Fats held firm on Tuesday though, gaining back all that was lost hoping to see at least steady cash trade this week. No trade yet reported but early asking prices $1 to $2 higher than last week in the South. Only light volume trade so far this week in IA though steady to $3 higher than last week at $141 live and $225 to $227 dressed. Corn double digits higher most of the day kept pressure on feeders, yet nearby contracts were able to finish with small gains. Hogs remain choppy but support coming from higher cash prices. Oklahoma National Stockyards Feeder Cattle - Oklahoma…

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Morning Ag Markets – Matt Hines

Date: June 6th, 2022 Livestock futures finished the week mixed but both fats and feeders higher week over week, especially feeders. Feeder cattle finished the week with three sharply higher days in a row as grains were under pressure most of last week. Negotiated cash fed cattle trade lower again this past week at mostly $2 lower with live trade in the TX and KS at $135 and in Nebraska $139 live and $222 dressed. For Kansas specifically, this is the third straight week of a declining negotiated cash price. June Live Cattle now trading less than $2 discount to Southern Plains cash. For the week, Friday May 27th through Friday June 3rd, June Live Cattle +$1.42, August +$1.45, August Feeder Cattle +$7.55, September +$7.00,…

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Morning Ag Markets – Matt Hines

Date: June 1st, 2022 Red quotes filled the Ag commodity screens yesterday as we came off a 3-day weekend to wrap up the month of May. Yes, some could be position squaring for month end, but it seemed to be a bit aggressive. Grains led the way lower which made sense that feeders caught some support and were triple digits higher for the first couple hours of trading. That didn’t last though as even feeders could not even hold gains with all livestock futures finishing triple digits lower yesterday. Small volume cash fed cattle trade reported in KS and TX at $135, already $2 lower than last week. Kingsville Livestock Auction - Kingsville, MO Livestock Weighted Average Report for 5/31/2022 This Week: 1,895 Last Week:…

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