Morning Ag Markets – Matt Hines
Date: March 6th, 2019 Lean hog futures continued to build upon recent support, now up over $5 from recent lows. Cattle futures were mixed with fats holding small gains while feeders were pressured lower and finishing near their daily lows. Light cash feedlot trade again to start the week in the Western Cornbelt at $127 to $128.50 live and $204 to $205 on a dressed basis, steady to $1 higher than last week’s trade. Fed Cattle Exchange online auction later this morning with only 300 head consigned. Oklahoma National Stockyards - Oklahoma City, OK Livestock Weighted Average Report for 3/4/2019 Receipts Week Ago Year Ago 2,163 7,556 7,029 Compared to last week: All classes of feeder cattle and calves were too lightly tested for an…