Morning Ag Markets – Matt Hines

Date: August 20th, 2018 Cash feedlot trade was steady to $1 lower than the week previous at $109 to $111 live and $174 to $175 on a dressed basis. Cattle futures bottomed out early last week and beef prices were higher for the week. Fed cattle supplies through August and September should remain plentiful and at this time there seems to be limited positive news to encourage cattle futures and interest in moving the fed cattle market higher. Lean hog futures have now been gaining for the past 7 days with the prices sharply higher to end the week. African swine fever continues to spread across eastern China although they claim the outbreak in the region is now under control. This is the third confirmed…

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Morning Ag Markets – Pete Loewen 8/13/18

In the face of the grain and oilseed trade getting kicked in the teeth on Friday following the report, meat complex futures were really pretty boring by comparison. Live cattle closed mixed and flat, feeders were mildly higher on everything and the hogs were mixed and flat, just like the live cattle. One of the bigger surprises of the day was watching a live cattle market that was flat and a corn market down in the double digits and feeders not able to muster more of a pronounced rally. I thought it would be a gimme for feeders to hit triple digit gains with such a bearish reaction in corn. According to the National Feeder Summary, calves and yearlings sold steady to $5 better last…

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Morning Ag Markets – Matt Hines

Date: August 7th, 2018 Light to moderate pressure continued to build for livestock futures yesterday even with the higher cash trade last week and cash still premium to nearby live contracts. Packers did purchase the second largest volume of cattle of the year, 165,000 head, leaving smaller show lists this week. 3,000 head were confirmed yesterday at $112.50 live in Nebraska, down $1 to $2 from last week. Oklahoma National Stockyards - Oklahoma City, OK Livestock Auction Report for 8/6/2018 Receipts Week Ago Year Ago 7,200 5,693 5,059 Compared to last week: Feeder steers 600-700 lbs. sold 5.00-8.00 higher, the balance brought 1.00-4.00 higher. Feeder heifers 1.00-3.00 higher. Steer and heifer calves 450-600 lbs. 2.00-5.00 higher. Lighter calves not well tested. Demand good to very…

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Morning Ag Markets – Pete Loewen 7/31/18

Sluggish start to the week for the meat complex. Live and feeder cattle futures traded some on both sides of unchanged, but finished in the red. Losses in the live market were just mild, but feeders had one contract down in the triple digits and a couple others pushing close to the $1 lower mark. Hogs closed lower on the front month August, but mildly higher across everything else, which was surprising given the fact pork cutouts were under very heavy pressure again and cash hog trade was sharply lower as well. In the last two weeks, pork cutouts have lost almost $10 and the bulk of the downfall can be attributed to belly primals getting hammered hard to the downside. Yesterday’s quote was $12.18…

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Morning Ag Markets – Matt Hines

Date: July 23rd, 2018 Cash feedlot trade was light and very late in the day on Friday at $114 live in KS, $3 higher than the week previous and at $180 dressed in the North, $5 higher. July Cattle on Feed Report after the close on Friday was neutral with all coming in right at the average pre report estimates although all values were higher than year ago. USDA Actual Average Guess Range Cattle on Feed July 1 104% 104% 103%-106% June Placements 101% 101.5% 96%-107% June Marketings 101% 101% 99%-107% Placement by Weight Class (expressed as % of previous year) Under 600 lb 107% 600-699 lb 110% 700-799 lb 90% 800-899 lb 98% 900-999 lb 109% Over 1000 lb 105% Placements at 101% also…

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Morning Ag Markets – Matt Hines

Date: July 11th, 2018 Live cattle futures still trending lower with cash trade premium. Lean hogs were sharply lower yesterday with the August contract down the $3 limit. Feeders though are holding a higher trend with early week salebarn reports coming in at steady to a few dollars higher than last week. Oklahoma National Stockyards - Oklahoma City, OK Livestock Auction Report for 7/2/2018 Receipts Week Ago Year Ago 8,001 2,026 5,329 Compared to last week’s limited offerings: Feeder steers and heifers mostly 1.00-4.00 higher. 500-600 lb steer and heifer calves 1.00-3.00 higher, no test on lighter calves. Compared to two weeks ago: Feeder steers and heifers 5.00-10.00 higher. 500-600 lb steer and heifer calves 7.00-12.00 higher with no test on lightweight calves. Tulsa Stockyards…

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Morning Ag Markets – Pete Loewen – July 10, 2018

Morning Ag Markets Pete Loewen After seeing the largest single week negotiated cash feedlot trade volume in five years last week blow prices up to $5+ gains over the previous week, it was an assumed “given” that we’d see a big rally in futures on Monday. What we learned though was it’s not safe to assume anything in the ag sector futures trade these days. Live and feeder futures were hit with triple digit losses at times, but it wasn’t unique to just the cattle. Hogs got thumped even harder to the downside and the grain and oilseed trade was under active pressure as well. Based on the selling being so widespread, I think we can attribute the weakness in cattle specifically to forces outside…

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Morning Ag Markets – Matt Hines

Date: July 9th, 2018 Cattle futures were sharply higher my midday on Friday from higher cash feedlot trade but got spooked late and pulled lower into the close. Compared to the week previous in the Texas Panhandle live cash trades moved $5 higher from $112 to $113.50 with the bulk at $113. Kansas live cash trades moved $6 higher at $112 with a few up to $113. Nebraska saw live cash trades $6.50 to $7.50 higher from $113.50 to $114 and dressed trade moved $10 to $11 higher mostly at $180.00. NATIONAL FEEDER & STOCKER CATTLE SUMMARY – W/E 07/06/2018 RECEIPTS: Auctions Direct Video/Internet Total This Week 17,000 34,300 29,000 80,300 This Week 182,800 47,400 66,800 297,000 Last Year 15,800 38,200 55,500 109,500 Compared to…

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Morning Ag Markets – Matt Hines

Date: July 3rd, 2018 Livestock were mixed yesterday with light trade volume this holiday week. Livestock markets are open until 12:15 today and close tomorrow. No cash feedlot trade confirmed and even bids and offers are still not well defined. Feeders performed the best yesterday with corn sharply lower and were able to hit new highs not seen since early March. Oklahoma National Stockyards - Oklahoma City, OK Livestock Auction Report for 7/2/2018 Receipts Week Ago Year Ago 2,026 8,156 0 Compared to last week: Feeder steers and heifers sold 5.00-8.00 higher. Steer and heifer calves traded with a sharply higher undertone on limited offerings. Demand good. Quality average, few attractive. Joplin Regional Stockyards - Carthage, MO Livestock Auction Report for 7/2/2018 Receipts Week Ago…

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Morning Ag Markets – Matt Hines

Date: July 2nd, 2018 Cash feedlot trade last week was split between Wednesday and Friday. Midweek confirmed sales in NE at $106 live but finished up Friday as high as $107.50 and $170 dressed. KS and TX trade midweek was at $106 live but finished the week at $107 to $108. Boxed-beef cut-out continues its normal seasonal decline as July can be sluggish month for overall beef demand and not necessarily a rally month for fed cattle prices with the extreme hot weather. NATIONAL FEEDER & STOCKER CATTLE SUMMARY – W/E 06/29/2018 RECEIPTS: Auctions Direct Video/Internet Total This Week 182,800 47,400 66,800 297,000 Last Week 164,000 65,800 17,000 246,800 Last Year 134,200 36,200 87,100 257,500 Compared to last week, steers and heifers sold 1.00 to…

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