Morning Ag Markets – Matt Hines

Date: November 13th, 2018 Cattle futures yesterday were mixed with hogs showing strong gains but both on light volume. I wouldn’t expect to see much change in direction here the week before Thanksgiving, cattle steady to weaker and hogs mixed to higher if cash prices can hold or even rebound. Oklahoma National Stockyards - Oklahoma City, OK Livestock Weighted Average Report for 11/12/2018 Receipts Week Ago Year Ago 9,000 9,992 10,818 Compared to last week: Feeder steers traded 6.00-8.00 lower. Feeder heifers 7.00-11.00 lower. Steer calves sold 4.00-9.00 lower on limited comparable receipts. Heifer calves 6.00-9.00 lower. Demand moderate. Winter weather has arrived as snow has fallen over most of the trade area. Some warmer weather is expected towards the end of the week. Feeder…

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Morning Ag Markets – Pete Loewen – 11/09/18

Cattle complex futures were able to shake off the heavy spread trading that was prevalent on Wednesday and get back to more normal type trade. Both the live and feeder markets closed mildly higher across all contract months. Lean hog futures didn’t shake the spreading. Front month December closed mildly higher and the next month out was down over $1, then a lot of mixed closes in the deeper deferreds. Actually pretty decent action across the meat complex aside from those Feb Hogs and it was all happening with cash hogs under pressure and product trade between the two markets under really heavy pressure. Pork product was already losing steam through October, but beef was moving aggressively higher. That came to a screeching halt when…

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Morning Ag Markets – Matt Hines

Date: November 7th, 2018 Cattle futures yesterday were mixed with most only trading $1 range but December lean hogs were limit lower and deferred contracts followed sharply lower. December lean hogs are now off $4 in the past 2 days and over $6 lower from the new recent high just last week. Cash markets have been lower now the past few days putting pressure on the futures. Only a couple thousand head of fat cattle have traded thus far this week in the North at $112 to $114 live, which is a bit softer than last week, and $180 on a dressed basis which is steady. Oklahoma National Stockyards - Oklahoma City, OK Livestock Weighted Average Report for 11/5/2018 Receipts Week Ago Year Ago 9,992…

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Morning Ag Markets – Matt Hines

Date: November 5th, 2018 Western Corn Belt and NE cash feedlot trades through Thursday over 6,000 head $1 higher than the week previous at $113 to $114 live and $180 dressed. Limited trade confirmed though into Friday evening. I heard a few take $115 live in IA while KS was passing and possibly able to stretch for $116. Light volume at $116 live is rumored to have traded but still awaiting USDA confirmation today. No trade yet again on the Fed Cattle exchange last week. For the week, Friday October 26th to Friday November 2nd, December Live Cattle -$1.32, February -$1.25, November Feeder Cattle -$2.52, January +$.12, December Lean Hogs +$.20, February -$1.72. Boxed Beef, Choice +$5.03 @ $218.50, Select +$2.64 @ $201.47. NATIONAL FEEDER…

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Morning Ag Markets – Matt Hines

Date: October 31st, 2018 Cattle futures continued under pressure yesterday although cash feedlot trade jumped higher last week and beef prices continue to rally. Live cattle futures have been trading sideways here for some time and the December contract is still positioned a few dollars above the cash market. Feeders though have been on a lower trend this entire month. Over 1,400 head of fat cattle confirmed so far this week at mostly $114 live in the North. Hogs remain supported with another 3 new African swine fever cases confirmed on small farms in China. Oklahoma National Stockyards - Oklahoma City, OK Livestock Weighted Average Report for 10/29/2018 Receipts Week Ago Year Ago 11,636 7,033 8,743 Compared to last week: Feeder steers uneven with those…

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Morning Ag Markets – Pete Loewen 10/30/18

The start of the week for the cattle complex ended with a mixed close and prices in both the live and feeder markets showing just a little less green on the screen than red. Given the fact the negotiated cash feedlot trade from Friday jumped $4 from the previous week, trading up to $115 live, I honestly thought we’d see a more bullish reaction than mixed. Front end October fats that expire tomorrow on the last day of the month did close higher, but were still 57 cents under that $115 trade, making a positive basis. December, which is the next month out, plunged to triple digit losses though and I think that was way too aggressive even with the $2.97 premium it held over…

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Morning Ag Markets – Matt Hines

Date: October 29th, 2018 All livestock futures finished higher last Friday jolted by higher cash feedlot trade. KS traded at $111 live for 6 weeks straight, but finally popped to $114 to $115 this week. A year ago, this same week we jumped from $111 to $117 to $119. TX jumped $4 higher to mostly $115 live as well with trade in the North at $114 to $115 live and $6 higher at $180 dressed. USDA reported YTD Cattle Slaughter through September is 2.6% above last year and 8.6% above the previous 3-year average. YTD steer and heifer slaughter is 1.2% below and 7.6% above last year respectively. Also, YTD Beef cow slaughter is 10.7% above a year ago and 22.8% above the previous 3-year-average.…

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Morning Ag Markets – Matt Hines

Date: October 22nd, 2018 Cash feedlot trade in the Southern Plains sold steady again at $111 live. This is the 6th consecutive week of steady money which actually can be construed as bearish due to the fact that normal seasonality pushes cash trade higher this time of year. Dressed sales in Nebraska sold steady as well, mostly $174, with live trade steady to $2 higher from $109 to $111. Fed Cattle Exchange online auction trade from earlier in the week had over 1,100 head consigned and zero sales. August 22 was the last time any cattle changed hands on the FCE. Cattle on Feed as of October 1st was slightly below the average estimate at 105% vs. a year ago but still the largest inventory…

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Morning Ag Markets – Matt Hines

Date: October 17th, 2018 Cattle futures were under pressure for most of the day yesterday while hogs continued to rally although we did ease the losses into the close and a couple deferred live cattle contracts were able to close in the green. Volume and interest both very light for live and feeder cattle futures yesterday. A few hundred head of fat cattle traded at $175 dressed in Iowa early this week with over 2,100 head moving in Nebraska yesterday at $170 to $174. The Fed Cattle Exchange online auction will be later this morning with 1,103 head consigned compared to 1,246 head last week but it has been almost 2 months since any have sold on that platform. Oklahoma National Stockyards - Oklahoma City,…

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Morning Ag Markets – Pete Loewen

It was a sluggish start to the week for the cattle complex, particularly in the feeders. Red on the screen slowly but surely changed to green as the day progressed though and by the close some of the live cattle contracts were up well over $1, feeders were mildly higher across the board and hogs were up over $1 on some, just like the fats. Grain and oilseed trade enjoyed solid green across the screen as well, so essentially it was a solid day up for the entire ag sector. Oddly enough, while the ags were up, the DOW was lower. Granted, not sharply lower, but lower nonetheless. Last week when some of the hard hits came in stocks, the ag sector was taking it…

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