Morning Ag Markets – Matt Hines

Date: September 30, 2024 Livestock futures were mixed last Friday but again all higher week over week. New recent highs were hit for both fats and feeders on Friday. Support coming from higher cash feedlot trade again last week. Cash fed cattle trade in Texas and Kansas mostly at $185 live, $2 to $3 higher than the week previous. Trade in the North ranging from $185 to $187 live and $292 to $294 dressed, $2 to $4 higher than a week ago. Weekly closes for livestock futures and meats… October Live Cattle +$1.27, December +$1.27, September Feeder Cattle +$.57, October +$3.17, October Lean Hogs +$3.60, December +$2.07. Choice Boxed Beef -$3.50 at $296.69 and Pork Carcass Cutout +$1.60 at $95.75. Oklahoma Weekly Cattle Auction Summary…

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Morning Ag Markets – Matt Hines

Date: September 25, 2024 Livestock and grain futures all opened higher and held gains until midday. In the end, the front months for cattle and hog futures settled slightly lower with moderate gains for all deferred contracts. Only very light volume cash feedlot trade so far this week in the North at $184.50 live. A full recap of last week’s trade showed feedlots selling 86,956 head of negotiated cash fat cattle with nearly 90% for nearby delivery. Full range traded from $177 to $190 live, weighted average at $184.13 which is nearly $2 higher than the week previous and $286 to $303 dressed, weighted average $290.66 just $.36 higher than the week previous. Quarterly Hogs and Pigs report coming out Thursday with expectations for all…

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Morning Ag Markets – Matt Hines

Date: September 18, 2024 Livestock futures held triple digit gains on Tuesday as grains were steady to lower. Only light cash fed cattle trade so far this week in the North at $180 live with asking prices in the South starting at $184 to $185. A recap of last week’s trade showed feedlots selling 61,496 head of negotiated cash fat cattle, over 51,000 for nearby delivery. The full range of prices last week from $175 to $188.50 live, weighted average $182.32, $1 higher than the week previous and $285 to $300 dressed, weighted average $290.30, $4 higher than the week previous. Oklahoma National Stockyards Feeder Cattle - Oklahoma City, OK Livestock Weighted Average Report for 9/16/2024 - Final Total Receipts: 6,742 Last Week: 10,154 Last…

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